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Stressed Mom? Essential Tips You Need To Know

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Being a stressed mom is an all-too-common reality for many women in today’s fast-paced world.

Juggling family, work, and personal responsibilities can leave even the most organized mother feeling overwhelmed. However, stress doesn’t have to be a constant companion in your life as a mom.

Being a stressed mom can take a toll on your physical and mental health. However, taking time to uncover the root causes of your stress can provide valuable insights, making it easier to combat those feelings and start enjoying a more relaxed state of mind.

Keep reading to discover some common triggers of mom stress and learn how to render them irrelevant in your daily life.

What Is Mother Anxiety?

Mother anxiety, or maternal anxiety, is a type of anxiety that can happen whether you’re a working, single, or stay-at-home mom.

It’s a feeling of intense worry, fear, or stress related to various aspects of motherhood, such as the health and safety of their children, their performance as a parent, handling the mental load, and their ability to balance family life with other responsibilities.

Mother anxiety can manifest in different ways, from constant worry and overprotectiveness to panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

What Is Exhausted Mom Syndrome?

Exhausted mom syndrome, mommy fatigue, is a term used to describe the exhaustion and burnout experienced by mothers overwhelmed with the daily demands of raising children, household chores, work, and other responsibilities.

It can cause feelings of physical and emotional fatigue, stress, and a sense of being constantly overwhelmed. It can also make it difficult for women to care for themselves and their needs.

Symptoms may include irritability, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and a general feeling overwhelmed.

Is It Normal To Be Stressed As A Mom?

Motherhood can be incredibly challenging and demanding, emotionally, mentally, and physically, with many responsibilities and expectations placed upon you.

Moms constantly juggle multiple tasks, such as taking care of kids, managing the household, working outside the home, and maintaining relationships with their partner, family, and friends. Naturally, this can lead to stress, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times.

Additionally, society often puts unrealistic expectations on mothers, which can add to the pressure and stress.

How Common Is Parenting Stress?

Parenting stress is a common experience among many parents, particularly those with poor stress management raising young children.

A study has shown that most mothers don’t manage stress well and are anxious, with 68 percent experiencing anxiety affecting their mental health. Among them, more than a third (35 percent) described their anxiety levels as ranging from “moderate” to “severe.”

What Are The Symptoms Of Stress In Mothers?

Stress is a shared experience, and it can manifest in mothers in various physical and emotional ways.

Some common physical symptoms of stressed-out mothers include headaches, muscle tension or pain, fatigue, insomnia, changes in appetite or digestion, and increased heart rate or blood pressure. 

Emotionally, stress can cause irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

Are you a streesed mom? Do You Wonder, What Are The Symptoms Of Stress In Mothers? Here are some examples

Some other common signs of a stressed mom:

  • Feeling disoriented
  • Resentment
  • Memory problems
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Low sex drive
  • Unhealthy eating habits

Additionally, stress may also lead to substance abuse or other destructive behaviors. Turning to drugs or alcohol to cope with the stress and emotional strain can lead to increased drinking, smoking, and other substance use, which only worsens the problem in the long run.

Discover practical ways to eliminate stress and mommy burnout symptoms here.

Why Are Moms So Stressed Out?

Stressed-out moms can experience high levels of stress for many reasons.

Compromising on core values and beliefs can cause inner turmoil, leading to burnout in their professional and personal life. Additionally, the absence of a good idea or inspiration can cause disconnection from goals, triggering procrastination, frustration, negative self-talk, and lack of fulfillment.

When a stressed mother overbooks herself and her children, it can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

Moreover, a non-fulfilling job that stifles creativity can leave working moms feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

If you're a stressed mom and wondering why are moms so stressed out? Here are a few examples

Below are some additional primary factors that can contribute to stressed parenting: 

  • Poor stress management
  • Assisting a family member who requires special attention and care
  • Not listening to the body’s needs and boundaries
  • Prioritizing immediate gratification over long-term goals
  • Experiencing trauma or fear
  • An unhealthy relationship with social media
  • Unrealistic standards
  • Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt

Lastly, not following natural inclinations and embracing uniqueness can result in wasted potential and regret, which feeds a mother’s stress levels.

What Are Examples Of Parental Stress?

“Why is my mom so stressed?”

Stressors can vary from person to person, and what may be stressful for one person may not be for another. Keep reading to discover the internal and external causes of stress in motherhood. 

Feeling like a stressed mom and wondering what are examples of parental stress? Here are a few examples

Internal Stressors That Stress Mom Out

Internal stressors refer to psychological or emotional factors that can cause stress within an individual.

They can stem from past experiences, current situations, or how a person views the world. As a result, they can make it difficult for individuals to cope with everyday challenges and lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and muscle tension.

Some internal stressors that can be a challenge for mothers are:

  • Guilt: Moms often feel guilty for not spending enough time with their children, not providing the best meals, or being unable to attend important events.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Moms may doubt their abilities as a parent, which can lead to guilt, shame, and anxiety, making it difficult for them to make decisions and feel confident in her choices.
  • Self-doubt: Many moms question their parenting skills or get anxious about making mistakes that could negatively impact their children.
  • Perfectionism: It creates unrealistic expectations and standards that are often impossible to meet.
  • Anxiety: Some moms experience stress related to their children’s health, safety, or overall well-being.
  • Overwhelm: Mothers are often responsible for many tasks, including household chores, meal planning, work, and caring for children.

External Stressors Affecting Your Mental Health

External stressors are factors or events in our environment or surroundings that can cause stress. Any situation or condition that puts pressure on a person’s ability to cope can be an external stressor.

Some external stressors that challenge mothers are:

  • Financial pressures
  • Lack of support
  • Lack of sleep or rest
  • Legal battles
  • Work-life balance
  • Societal expectations
  • Toxic friendships

Additionally, mothers who take care of sick or severely disabled children undergo significantly higher stress levels than mothers who do not have such responsibilities1.

Lastly, drinking has become so socially ingrained among moms. Self-soothing with alcohol and drugs only enables you to relive your stress and ruminate. It’s not an action-taking solution to fix the problem; it only intensifies it.

Experts worry that more moms are abusing alcohol than ever and putting themselves and their kids at risk2.

Here are some startling facts about moms’ “liquid therapy” 3:

  • Moms are making it socially acceptable to drink up to 6 glasses of wine a day for self-care
  • Drinking is now celebrated in parenting blogs
  • Forty percent of moms said drinking helps them cope with their stress
  • Among women ages 25-34, one in five admit to frequent binge drinking
  • Thirty-four percent of moms think their friends have an alcohol problem

How Do You Overcome Parental Stress?

Overcoming being a stressed-out parent can be a challenging process that may take some time. It’s unlikely to happen overnight, but it’s possible with consistent effort and support.

Remember that every individual’s experiences and needs are unique, so it may take trial and error to find the best strategies for you. 

How Do You Overcome Parental Stress? Here are a few ways a stressed mom can overcome parental stress.

Check out these practical strategies to help combat parental stress.

A Stressed Mom Needs A Purpose

Knowing your purpose can alleviate stress and better equip you to deal with life’s challenges by giving you clarity and direction.

When you clearly understand what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it, it’s easier to prioritize your time, energy, and resources.

Additionally, having a purpose gives a stressed mother a sense of fulfillment and meaning, which can boost her overall well-being and help her cope with stress more effectively. 

Strive For Simplicity

In your pursuit of a fulfilling life, aim for simplicity to reduce friction. Friction4 slows you down and requires more effort and resources5.

Cut down on unnecessary complexities that can hinder your progress and drain your energy.

Focus on three essential aspects of living6: family, daily routine, and income. Simplify each of these areas to make them more enjoyable and satisfying. Keep them uncomplicated yet engaging.

Create A Notable Goal

Creating a notable objective, a valuable idea, gives you a feeling of significance and direction, refreshing your emotional health like a gust of wind.

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” - albert Einstein

People require a meaningful aim to strive for; otherwise, even extraordinary accomplishments may not lead to happiness.

Moreover, a notable goal can help you regain enthusiasm and vigor.

Stay Present In The Moment

Being present allows you to engage with your children and create meaningful connections.

Additionally, when you focus on the present, you’re not worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. This can help you feel more grounded and calm.

Finally, being present at the moment allows you to experience the joys of motherhood more fully. You’ll be able to appreciate the little moments and cherish memories.

Practice Forgiveness

Forgiveness creates a path to greater clarity and peace of mind. In addition, it reduces stress by releasing negative emotions and promoting positive feelings towards yourself and others.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

By learning to forgive, you can let go of negative emotions and take a step toward a more peaceful and transparent state of mind.

Taking A Break Helps Manage Stress

Making calmness a priority leads to achieving clarity.

Continuing to work when your feeling exhausted ultimately impedes your progress, resulting in diminishing returns. On the other hand, when you take a break, your brain gets the chance to relax, which helps create solutions to problems that come more naturally.

Moreover, breaks allow you to engage in activities like reading, exercising, or spending time with friends.

Ask For Help

Being a stressed mom can lead to burnout and exhaustion before too long. Asking for help from family members, friends, or a trusted caregiver can be great social support.

Here’s why a stressed mom needs to speak up and ask for help:

  • Reduces her workload
  • Creates free time
  • Offers emotional support
  • It provides a different perspective
  • Improves productivity
  • Strengthens relationships
  • Improves child development
  • Fosters gratitude

So, if you are a parent feeling stressed and overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Exercise Regularly For Stress Management

Regular exercise can be an effective way for you to reduce your stress and anxiety levels and boost your energy.

Here are a few more great reasons to get moving today:

  • Releases endorphins that reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Improves sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Group exercises can help you build a supportive network
  • Reduced symptoms of postpartum depression

Moreover, all these factors work together to help lower stress levels and enhance overall well-being.

Kick Perfectionism To The Curb

Overcoming perfectionism can significantly alleviate your stress and anxiety levels, leading to a happier, more balanced life.

Embrace the reality that no one is perfect, including yourself. Strive for progress, not perfectionism. Accept your limitations and focus on your strengths.

Check out our ultimate guide on overcoming perfectionism for expert ways to start enjoying the journey of parenthood.

A Stressed Mom Needs Self-Management

Self-management is crucial because it enables you to effectively balance the numerous responsibilities of parenting, work, and personal life.

Practicing self-management helps you:

  • Lead a more fulfilling life
  • Prioritize tasks
  • Set achievable goals
  • Allocate time efficiently
  • Cope with challenges
  • Adapt to changing circumstances

Furthermore, self-management allows you to be a role model for your children, teaching them essential life skills such as time management, organization, and emotional regulation.

Establish Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries establish the unseen barriers necessary for maintaining a sense of appreciation, respect, and safety. They serve as intangible dividers between your needs and those of others.

Various types of boundaries exist, all of which contribute to fostering healthy and joyful relationships with those around you. Personal boundaries communicate to others the standards by which you expect to be treated.

In the absence of boundaries, individuals may exploit you or cause feelings of discomfort or negativity.

Check out this ultimate guide on setting boundaries.

How Does A Stressed Mom Affect A Child?

When a mom is stressed, it can significantly impact a child’s emotional, cognitive, and behavioral development.

Children may sense their mother’s stress and feel anxious, insecure, or even guilty, believing they cause it.

How Does A Stressed Mom Affect A Child

A parent’s stress can hurt a child in the following ways:

  • Cause emotional and behavioral issues
  • Increased tension and miscommunication
  • Lack of emotional connection
  • Feelings of insecurity, anxiousness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lower academic performance
  • Weakened immune systems and obesity; poor physical health

What Are The Most Stressful Years Of Parenting?

Parenting stress levels can differ for each person, but certain stages are commonly more demanding.

The newborn phase (0-3 months) often overwhelms new parents due to sleepless nights, continuous feeding, diaper changing, and adapting to their caregiver role.

Subsequently, the toddler years (1-3) introduce hurdles like tantrums, potty training, and childproofing the home, frequently leaving parents feeling drained while keeping up with their little adventurer.

According to a survey conducted in 2020, most of the 2,000 parents who participated agreed that age 8 was the most difficult year, making it an exceptionally challenging time.

As children enter pre-adolescence (9-12), they start asserting their independence and pushing boundaries, leading to clashes and power struggles between parents and pre-teens. 

The adolescent stage (13-18) can be especially tough for parents, as hormonal fluctuations, peer influence, and the search for self-identity may cause older children to have mood swings and take risky actions.

How Do You Help An Overwhelmed Mother?

Helping a stressed-out mom can significantly benefit her and her family’s well-being.

Do you know a stressed mom and are you wondering how do you help an overwhelmed mother? Here are a few examples.

“My mom is stressed; how can I help?” Here are some ways you can help a stressed mom:

  • Offer to babysit or help with chores
  • Prepare a meal
  • Encourage self-care
  • Listen to her
  • Offer emotional support
  • Connect her with resources
  • Be patient and understanding
  • Celebrate her achievements

How Do You Calm A Stressed Mom Raising Children?

A stressed mother can be calmed with the right approach. With patience, understanding, and support, you can help a stressed mother find calm and balance.

Demonstrate your understanding of her emotions and acknowledge that feeling overwhelmed is normal. Offer to help with tasks like childcare, cooking, or errands to provide her with a respite for some self-care. 

Introduce stress-relief techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, and promote their regular practice. For example, maybe she needs help organizing her thoughts.

If her stress persists and impacts daily life, consult a professional therapist or counselor for guidance and support.

Remember, every individual is different, so it’s essential to tailor your approach to her needs and preferences.

What Do You Say To A Stressed Mom?

Are you wondering what to say to a stressed-out mom?

Sometimes, just a few words of encouragement can make all the difference to a stressed-out mom.

If it looks like a mom in your life is going through a tough time right now, remind them to take a deep breath and remember that they’re doing a great job. Then, tell them it’s okay to ask for help or take a break when needed.

Bring it to their attention that they’re not alone in feeling stressed – every mom goes through it. Emphasize how their kids love them and appreciate everything.

Please encourage them to celebrate small victories and cherish happy moments. Be their biggest cheerleader by suggesting that they set boundaries and take things one day at a time.

Lastly, let them know to trust their instincts, that they know what’s best for their family.

Conclusion: Tips For A Stressed Mom

We hope you found value in this guide on conquering mom stress for good. Progress takes time and patience, so continue making those incremental strides toward a more peaceful state of mind.

If you have any additional tips or experiences, we’d love to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

Together, let’s help one another create a more stress-free and fulfilling journey through motherhood.

  1. Hill, M. A. (2005). Stressing Your Mom Isn't Good for Her Health! Odyssey, 14(8), 3.
  2. SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, & MARIA SHRIVER. (n.d.). To some moms who are relieving stress with alcohol. Today Show (NBC).
  3. SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, & MARIA SHRIVER. (n.d.). To some moms who are relieving stress with alcohol. Today Show (NBC).
  5. Corporation, N. C. (2018). The Direct Line. An Official Nightingale Conant Publication.
  6. Assagioli, R. (2010). The act of will. Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis.

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