Cinderella Is Closed

Time to put me first.


9 Proven Morning Habits To Take Time For You

Cinderella Is Closed

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A good morning routine sets you up for success and helps you take time for you throughout the day. Mornings are the most predictable part of the day. Get quality self-care in before your day even starts with a healthy morning routine.

Take Time For You – Your Way

To figure out your best morning routine, start with what you know. Then incorporate habits gradually designed around your goals. 

Over 90% of highly productive people have morning routines. 

Setting boundaries will help you narrow down your morning routine. as well 

In today’s culture, time is considered the most valuable asset. Having that extra hour to your routine in the morning can be channeled into doing something productive, possibly that you usually would never do. Here are some of the habits you can try at first to see if they work in your morning routine.

Take time for you in the morning

How To Take Time For You

1. Beat the snooze button

There is a strong temptation and desire to hit the snooze button so that you can catch a few more wings in the morning. However, the good news is that you can break that habit.

You can also start experimenting with tactics to discover what works best for you. Even though there is no single bulletproof solution to overcoming snoozing, you can counter the temptation of hitting the snooze button by experimenting with different techniques.

2. Get up early

As you try hard to overcome the temptation of a snooze, you must have a purpose of getting up early if you expect to take time for you. Mornings are times when you are fresh, have the energy, and are away from external distractions of the world. There are not many things competing for your undivided attention early in the morning.

You can try 15 to 30 minutes earlier than usual, then progressively increase until you eventually hit your target. Remember to be realistic in every step you take and make it count.

Stay in the present when making your bed.


Take time for you by making your bed.

3. Make your bed

Making your bed is relatively quick, straightforward, and can help you relax more in the morning. It simply adds a burst of achievement and productivity to your morning, increasing your overall confidence levels.

Why is this step an important part of your waking up?

When you organize your environment, you stimulate your mind to collect itself. It is a simple step that adds clarity and calm to you, ensuring that you stay sharp throughout the day.

When you have calm and clarity in your day, rarely do cancel your scheduled me-time.

4. Sweat it out

Fitness is a big part of a successful person’s life. It’s time invested wisely in oneself. Irrespective of your fitness goals, working out as part of a morning routine is an excellent way to turn on your metabolism and brain.

Engaging in simple mourning cardio, push-ups, jogging, walking, or sit-ups can help you kickstart your day in style. You will feel motivated, happy, and full of energy that will steer you towards conquering the rest of the day and all activities that come with it.

Take time for you with mindful breathing.


Take time for you to channel a positive state of mind.

5. Immerse in a positive state of mind

After turning on your mind through physical exercise, allow your mind to immerse in a positive, present thought process. Sit on a floor mat with your feet crossed or go for a walk in nature.

Think about the things that will bring positivity to your day.

Allow yourself to live in the moment.

6. Mindful Breathing

Chronic stress can cause inflammation and many health issues. Find relaxation practices that work for you, like meditation or deep breathing.

Start the day with a healthy breakfast.


Take time for you to fuel properly.

7. Feed Yourself For Success

We’ve all heard it before, “You are what you eat.”

A proper diet helps us tackle our daily tasks with vigor and efficiency. Take some time for yourself every morning to feed your body nutrients that refuel your tank and energy levels.

No matter how much time you find for yourself throughout the day, if you’re not eating healthy, the quality of your me-time will be sub-par.

Make time for yourself by scheduling it.


Enjoy your me-time.

8. Schedule your alone time

Take time to schedule your me-time. People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than those who don’t.

When you write down your alone time goals, you increase reaching them. Incorporating this as part of your morning routine signifies that you declare your intentions for the day.

It crystallizes your goals in your mind to engrave deeper into your subconscious brain.

I need time alone with a best friend.


Make time for yourself to dream.

9. Visualize your dream life

Every morning, take a few minutes to see yourself living your dream. Allow them to sink deep into your mind. When you start seeing yourself living your goal, you will feel a new rush of strength and energy that will motivate and inspire you to keep going.

Progress toward accomplishing your most significant dreams before diving into your daily chores. Set aside at least 5 minutes to meditate on your goals. As your dreams begin to grow, you can increase the amount of me-time that you spend working on them.

Simply use that time when you are fresh to fuel your willpower before other busy-nesses of the day run the tank dry.

Make time for yourself every morning.

Conclusion: Take Time For You Every Morning

You must understand that your morning does not have to be rough, especially when you take time for you. When you allow this to sink into your spirit, you will get up each morning with enthusiasm. You will position yourself to seize every opportunity that comes your way and put your best to work for more productivity the entire day.

Yes, it may be daunting to overhaul the whole routine at once, but you don’t have to. Start small and work your way up to find more time for yourself each day — introduce new habits and practices to make a more robust routine.

So, what is it going to be like for you? You are a champion, and all that matters is a win for taking time for yourself!

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