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How To Stop Feeling Stressed And Overwhelmed [Infographic]

Feeling Stressed And Overwhelmed

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Do you have so much going on that feeling stressed and overwhelmed is a normal day for you?

A busy life with too many demands can lead to feeling like your drowning all the time. Work, family, and other obligations can prove to be too much.

Working even harder to rectify the situation seems unreasonable when you feel as if you’re already working at full capacity.

Just remember that you’ve made it through feeling stressed and overwhelmed in the past and you can certainly do it again, but stronger this time. Things get better.

A lady feeling stressed and overwhelmed

Minimize feeling stressed and overwhelmed with these strategies:

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Take a Deep Breath

Once you start to feel overwhelmed, things tend to go downhill quickly.

Give yourself a break by relaxing, taking a deep breath, and slowing down your brain.

Scan your environment and describe it to yourself. It will disengage your mind from your stressors and bring it back to reality.

Focus on what you can do

When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, there are things you can control and things you can’t control. Keep your focus on those things within your influence.

 Learn to Let It go

There’s no reason to think about it and get yourself more agitated if you can’t do anything about it. Learn to let go of anything you can’t influence.

 Focus On Solutions When Feeling Stressed And Overwhelmed

Most of us make the mistake of focusing on the problem and imagining negative outcomes.

This strategy decreases your capability and causes even more stress. If you’re going to put your brain to work, use it to find the best possible solution!

Ask yourself what you can do to eliminate or lessen the sources of your stress. Write down your ideas.

 AVOID Making Assumptions When Feeling Stressed And Overwhelmed

Are things actually as stressful as you think they are?

Is it possible that you’ve misinterpreted the facts or made poor assumptions? Gather all the facts before deciding if there’s a reason to be overwhelmed.

Question your judgment and ensure that you’re on solid ground before hitting the panic button.

 Enjoy A Change Of Scenery

Get out of the house and the office for a few hours. Your environment affects your perspective.

Spend some time in nature if possible.

 Evaluate Your Boundaries

Personal boundaries inform others on what your expectations are for how they should treat you. Setting boundaries helps prevent feelings of stress and overwhelm.

They’re the imaginary lines that separate your needs from someone else’s needs. There are many types, and each one of them is indicative of having healthy and happy relationships with those around you. 

Without setting boundaries, people may take advantage of you or make you feel badly or uncomfortably.

 Spend Time With A Friend When You’re Feeling Stressed And Overwhelmed

Go out for pizza and movie with a good friend.

Rely on those in your social circle for advice, comfort, and a quick distraction.

Which of your friends is best at making you feel better?

 Take Part In A Relaxing Activity

What relaxes you?

Lying on the couch with your headphones? Going for a run? Getting a massage?

Spend an hour or two decompressing and you’ll feel better.

 Write When You’re Feeling STRESSED And Overwhelmed

Writing down why you feel stressed and overwhelmed is another great way to help your anxious feelings pass.

It helps to do this unstructured – having a written stream of consciousness allows you to express yourself freely and getting those thoughts out of your head will be a relief.

 Cut Down On Your Obligations

Maybe you’re trying to do too much.

Consider limiting the number of activities you participate in. Are you taking on too many responsibilities at work?

Consider which of your obligations are most important and get rid of the rest.

 Remember Past Feelings Of Overwhelm

Remember when you’ve been overwhelmed in the past. You survived.

You might even laugh today about how stressed you were back then. Hindsight is 20-20. Consider that you’re likely to feel the same way in the future regarding your current situation.

Slow your mind and take a deep breath when first faced with feelings of overwhelm.

Try to maintain an objective perspective. It’s easy to get carried away when you’re feeling stressed!

Take a timeout and make a list of the items you can control. Search for solutions that address those items.

Let go of those items you can’t control. Rely on friends and family to help you cope since you’d do the same for them.

Check out the infographic below for a quick summary about how to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Stop Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed by Rachel

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